If you’re looking for a Hertfordshire timber supply business then look no further than Heritage Reclamation who have supplied joinery businesses and independent craftsmen for over 25 years with reclaimed timber for projects that require high quality, unique and long-lasting materials.
Hertfordshire timber supply to independent joiners and craftsmen
With years of experience in sourcing timber, we know that no two woods are the same. Wood from the same species can come in a wide variety of colours and grain patterns due to variations in weather and soil type amongst many influencing factors. We are experts in sourcing wood from around the world to match our customers’ specifications.

Reclaimed timber can have additional aesthetic and functional benefits. Inking patterns from nails embedded and weathered in over many years can produce colourings not seen in new wood. Wood from certain eras may be robust, heat-tolerant and long-lasting due to their original preparation and treatment.

As well as sourcing timber, Heritage Reclamation can prepare wood ready for use. We have developed a reliable heat-treatment process to eliminate worms and dry the wood perfectly so it can be used in specialist applications without warping. Once dry, we can cut the timber to joiners’ requirements. We also sell oak beams that can be used, amongst other things, as dummy timbers for period homes.
Although we are a Hertfordshire timber supply business, we can supply wood to independent traders across the UK and overseas.